Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Chased By a Wolf

This story was created by Muluken, Harper, and Dad at bedtime. We took turns writing lines of the story. We hope you enjoy it!

“Are you crazy,” Jerry asked. “You’re going to kill us both!”

“Yeah, right,” Abigail said. “We’re just being chased by a wolf.”

Jerry hadn’t been all that excited about Abigail’s latest plan. Her brand new digital camera dangling from her wrist, she had led them both into the woods to snap some shots of the wildlife.

Abigail had taken a good picture of a wolf. When the wolf saw the flash he started to chase them both all around the woods. They ran as fast as they could from the wolf but he was getting closer and closer to them.

Jerry began to whimper.

Abigail began to laugh.

“What are you thinking?” Jerry asked, confused.

“I’m laughing because the wolf just went away,” she answered.

Jerry looked back over his shoulder and saw that she was right. No panting. No growling. No wolf.

They were happy. They started walking toward their house.

At home their mom and dad asked what had happened to them. They had mud splattered all over their arms, legs, and everywhere else.

They told their parents about the wolf and the camera.

“Golly Moses! Why would you go out there and take a picture of a wild wolf?” asked their mom.

“Just go upstairs, take a shower, and we’ll talk about this more at dinner,” said their dad.

Jerry and Abigail headed upstairs and got cleaned up.

“Thanks a lot,” said Jerry in a sarcastic tone as he was brushing his hair. Abigail just looked at him and smirked. “Seriously, Abigail. Why are you always getting us into trouble?”

“I don’t mean to,” she answered. “I just want to have fun!”

“Maybe your idea of fun isn’t like mine,” said Jerry.

“Obviously,” she answered.

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