Saturday, June 26, 2010

Congare's Waves

We were all buckled up in our life vest and had our flouts tightly clenched in our hands. We where walking down the path beside the congare river. Today we where going to go floating down the river.

We got in the water and felt our feet go numb.even under our sandles where it was strapped felt cold.When we got in our tubes, I was laying on my stomach and felt the shiver go over me. I kept bumping in to things. But it was fun. I was going the wright direction as my mom was Kicking freezing water in my face , as she was trying to catch my sister who was going in the wrong direction.

When we started going down the waves we got splashed!!!!!!!!

After a wile we started to go farther down the river. When we where flouting down the river i fell i and i shivered to death,it was colder than ever.

the end

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


A little girl sat bored staring out the window. It was the last day of school. She was very happy about it. She wasn’t paying any attention to the rules to the party they were about to have.
“Cicely pay attention please” her teacher said in a sweet voice.
Miss Deaton’s voice was so sweet that no one wanted to hear her mean voice.
School was a boring place for Cicely. Her classroom smelled as sweet as flowers. But the rest of the school smelled like rotten food or rubber.
When it was time for party the school smelled as sweet as her classroom. The party was going to be outside but it was raining then.
The rain turned into a twister. “EVREYONE UNDER THE TABLES!!!!” yelled the principal.
Meanwhile her mom and dad were at work when it happened. “O h I hope our daughter is ok.’’
“I need everyone to please crawl back to their classrooms thank you.” The principal said.
It was thundering, lighting, hail pounding the window like someone trying to get out of jail.
At work mom and dad heard loud crashes of windows falling in and a boom of lightning.

It was back to normal now. The party had been destroyed and school was let out early. Work was too. So the family of three Angelina [mom], Harold [dad] and Cicely [daughter] got into the car. When they got out of the car, and got to their apartment Cicely went to her room and sat on her bed and watched some Disney Chanel.!!!!{ She loved that chanle}
Just to mention her family was rich. The girl was a pleased girl and got everything she wanted to have.
She was a very obedient kid.

The next day June 6, 2009 was a beautiful day. Rain glittered on the grass. Although the streets weren’t pretty, all different color people went to see a tree that had fallen down with termites invading it..
Cicely wanted to see it and she got to see it. Her mom and dad stayed behind because they didn’t want to see crawly creatures come at them.
After that they went to lunch. It was as good as a handful of sugar!!!!!! Then they went to the park. It was peaceful and red cardinals were singing a sweet song, the murmur of voices came on and on and on.
At the park it was wet and moist. Squish! Squash! Boots went going by them. She loved to play on the swings but they were too wet to play on. There was puddles on them, big ones.

The next day she saw an ad in the paper. It was for a camp [only for girls]. There was a picture of a lake and girls splashing in it.
She went to ask her mom who was sitting at the computer. By the window it was pouring now.Cicaly asked her mom
“Can I go to camp mom?”
“Why of course honey” mom said. “Bring me the paper please I want to see that add in the paper”
“Of course Mommy” she said.

Cicely’s mom called the camp to tell them that her daughter was coming.
“Hello” she said
“Uh-Huh” the other end said
Her mom went right to business.
“I hope this camp is neat and tidy, because my daughter is coming.” she said
“This camp is in the northern part of Kansas. Your little girl will need…”
“My girl is not a little girl. You do not call her a little girl. She’s in 5th grade her mom Angelina interrupted.
“Ok let me rephrase myself…Your girl…”
“Cicely,” mom yelled so loud the whole apartment could hear her getting impatient.
Your daughter need to bring …a swim suite , a towel, 11 outfits for summer, a tennis racket, basketball, 15 tennis balls, baseball bat and baseballs, last but not least a blow-up pad. Wait one more thing 5 super thin sheets for sleeping under.
“I can get that stuff!” mom said in a now cheerful voice.
It was pouring down rain. Rain was taping on the window lightly like a butterfly flaps his wings.
“You have a week!” the other end said cheerfully.
Thunder crackled, behind her lightening slashed and a tree nearby fell with a huge thud. Bang and crash! The window went in. Glass went in everywhere. Many people screamed a loud scream. “Ouch” people were hurt. Cicely heard it and ran down to help. Not caring about her own apartment she was going from apartment to apartment asking if they need help.
The rain had stopped and the sun was out. A rainbow stretched across the lightened sky.
That was happy. But not too happy. It was fun to have the sun shining brighter than ever before.
Cicely was a good helper. She was rewarded by the apartment owner. She got a big reward it was a blue ribbon.

Once Cicely got home she was ready to go get the stuff for camp! She had the list ready in her hand.
When she got to the store she went to the sports area and got her tennis racket, her tennis balls, and her basketball, baseballs and baseball bat.
In the camping area she got her blow-up pad. If she was getting a pad her mom figured she would need a sleeping bag also so she got her one too.
When she got home she started to pack up her stuff in her bag.
She had a checklist. By the time she was done it was dinner time. They had her favorite spaghetti.

It was the night before camp. Cicely was as worried as she could be.
Her mom and dad tried to comfort her but they couldn’t calm her down. Not one bit could they do it.

At the airport she met the group that was going also. She was a happy girl to see that her best friend Lucy was going!
“What a surprise,” she thought.
The plane ride was long and joyful because they were allowed to sit where ever they wanted to and was allowed to not wear seatbelts.
Cicely and her best friend sat across from each other in double seats to themselves so they could lay down in them.
At camp she was assigned the same cabin as her best friend and some girls she knew from school.

At camp it was fun. She met new friends. Played spectacular games of baseball in the hot sun.
They Swam and splashed. When water got on the warm grass it sparkled.
Time passed quickly. More and more quickly. On the last night of school they had a party. Rewards went out and Cicely got a medal for soccer!

At home Cicely’s parents were happy to see her. It was a happy time. She was home again.

By Harper

Chased By a Wolf

This story was created by Muluken, Harper, and Dad at bedtime. We took turns writing lines of the story. We hope you enjoy it!

“Are you crazy,” Jerry asked. “You’re going to kill us both!”

“Yeah, right,” Abigail said. “We’re just being chased by a wolf.”

Jerry hadn’t been all that excited about Abigail’s latest plan. Her brand new digital camera dangling from her wrist, she had led them both into the woods to snap some shots of the wildlife.

Abigail had taken a good picture of a wolf. When the wolf saw the flash he started to chase them both all around the woods. They ran as fast as they could from the wolf but he was getting closer and closer to them.

Jerry began to whimper.

Abigail began to laugh.

“What are you thinking?” Jerry asked, confused.

“I’m laughing because the wolf just went away,” she answered.

Jerry looked back over his shoulder and saw that she was right. No panting. No growling. No wolf.

They were happy. They started walking toward their house.

At home their mom and dad asked what had happened to them. They had mud splattered all over their arms, legs, and everywhere else.

They told their parents about the wolf and the camera.

“Golly Moses! Why would you go out there and take a picture of a wild wolf?” asked their mom.

“Just go upstairs, take a shower, and we’ll talk about this more at dinner,” said their dad.

Jerry and Abigail headed upstairs and got cleaned up.

“Thanks a lot,” said Jerry in a sarcastic tone as he was brushing his hair. Abigail just looked at him and smirked. “Seriously, Abigail. Why are you always getting us into trouble?”

“I don’t mean to,” she answered. “I just want to have fun!”

“Maybe your idea of fun isn’t like mine,” said Jerry.

“Obviously,” she answered.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fun Day

Yesterday me and my brother went to the last football game and we did a very good job and got a lot of flags and some touchdowns. But we did not get to finish the whole game. Because we had a surprise place to go to and IT WAS TO THE MONSTER JAM. To me it was very loud but it was not loud for my Dad, big sister, Mom, Ty, and my friend Patton. The monster truck I liked most was Taz he is not very scary but a little messy looking. We had fun there together. My little sister didn't want to go to Monster Jam so she stayed with Patton's sister Jenna at her house.



Sunday, January 10, 2010

Playing Jacks

Me, Mommy, Daddy, Harper, Ainsley, and Muluken played Jacks with each other. I went first. Then it was Mommy's turn. Then it was my brother's turn. Then it was my big sister's turn. Then it was Ainsley's turn. Then it was my Dad's turn. That's how it went.

Nobody won at that game because we had to go upstairs. It was bedtime.

by TY

Monday, January 4, 2010

Dog Trouble

There once was a dog named Pillow. The dog liked to ride in the car. Like most dogs don't Whenever the car door opened, pillow would go running for it and he always liked to stick his head out the window and bark on and on. Once the window was open and he stuck his head out the window he was barking away and there was a lot of cars honking.
Thay were getting annoyed with the dog. Jack thought, "thay like my dog Pillow barking" so he went driving along and... all the cars where honking. Then a police car pulled up behind him and the police pulled him over ... and said" the pepo.le are honking because they are annoyed with your dog.
"Oh I didin't know that!" "Now close your window." said the police.
" Okay" said Jake.
But when he drove off he opened the window and got some fresh air. But when he saw the police he closed it. He did not want to get a ticket. That would be bad.
But... when he closed it this time he closed it on his dogs neck and the dog yelped and barked and did more yelping. The people inside the cars were strating to wave. He thought they were being nice and he was waving back nicely. Again the police pulled him over and said "Do you know hwy there are waving at you?"
"I do not know why."
And the police said "I will tell you after I check your eyes and ears. Is that okay with you?"
"That is okay with me."
"Ok then I will. I the police will do that."
And then the police saw it and said "Oh my GOSH I SEE A BIG HOLE IN YOUR EYE!"
"My dog bites me in the eye a lot."
"I will call an ambulance right now" said the police.
"I will tell them to bring you to a hospital called We Like to Help You. You will need surger."
Well so the ambulance came to get him and the police gave him a note that said something on it. I do not know what. The ambulance came to a stop at the hospital. It brought the guy on a little bed. He had to stay there two weeks. When he got home...
he taught his dog some commands. Not fun ones.

In Good Time

I do homework in good time
I eat dinner in good time
I go to bed in good time
I read storys in good time
I have fun in good time
I play games in good time

I write this because I do things in time for them to be done.

Harper Hass

Home Work