Tuesday, April 24, 2012


     Kids are asked a lot what do you want to be when you grow up.? A lot of times its by teachers or parents. 
     Usually kids answers change a lot when their little. I remember when I was little I did gymnastics so I wanted to be a gymnastics teacher. Now thinking back on that its seems funny and childish because it doesn't seem to fit my personality any more.
     Now since I've changed my answer has changed. Now I have changed my answer to a Writer/Author or a Vet. 
     Like today my third grade teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up. My answer was a vet. Now days a lot of kids seem to want to be vets. I think more and more kids are learning to love animals, witch is good. 
     Right now while I'm writing this mt mind is whirling with possibility's. For some reason these days I just feel like I want to be a Writer/Author. To me that seems satisfactory and fun. 
     I hope this shows you something about how my mind changes constantly and as does many other kids my age. 

       Thanks for reading. Please tell me what you think!!!!! 

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