Friday, March 25, 2011


+Carbon dioxide,
Water Vapor,
Nitrous oxide,
And Methane.
All earths global warming gasses.

+ Gasses are going in the atmosphere and trying to go out but failing taking the sun’s rays, and going back to the earth.

+SUN!!! This warms us but also has a part in global warming.

Global Warming is tempting to take over the world. Our lives
could be in risk. If global warming takes over it would be to hot out,
the earth would flood and we would be on the roofs of our houses
baking. The earths animals are in risk like the polar.

So now you see that sometimes we need to think about what we do and what we say. Some things we do hurt the environment and we are not thinking.

So say...
If 100 people got together all in separate cars and blasted of all this smoke. That would be killing the earth.

But if we do the right thing! We might make a difference!

40 years from now we might be in risk of our life, or close to extinction.

This post is in honor of Morgan A.T.H

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