Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Good Morning

Hi, happy morning.

   I don't wanna be @  school. I have to do a POTD! yay. :( not.
Oh we'll ill post again. Later.

Monday, October 22, 2012


I know I've posted today, but I had to say this...
I'm addicted 2 my email.
Haha. Well c u all tomorrow when I post again.

Blown Away and Mondays r NOT Great

K so I'm listening to like my favorite song ever.... Blown Away by: Carrie Underwood. Haha. Really good by the way listen to it. I mean seriously.

Ok, so, today was crazy. As everyday school was school. It was Monday though and I hate Mondays. My least favorite day of the week. It's my off day. I think it maybe everyone's. I went to all my classes and rode the bus (ugggghhh ):). Haha. I'm at Langford as I write this. Right now I'm wishing I where at home but I'm not going home for a while. Yay. Not.

Today was loooonnnggggg. I mean math was ok, Careeer was the same as always. We worked on projects. Social Studies was good. We worked on our projects. Science was good. A worksheet isn't my favorite thing to do but I'll tolerate it. Haha. In PE we had to play football. Well some didn't. We did cheer and gymnastics. Well I watched and only did a few things. Haha. I had to take a test in ELA not my favorite thing. But I took it and I think I did good. Yay. 

Hope tomorrows good. And great. Gtg draw something. Bye!!!
