Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Messy Terror!!

Here's a short post that comes from my day. You can get it from my title that there was a messy terror that fell upon my shoulders today. The room of my funny, nice, hyper, animal loving friend Madeline! She set before me the messy terror. Well here's what happened...
Right before I left Madeline's house, she was sent upstairs to clean her room, I wasn't sure what to do while I was waiting for my mom to get there to pick me up. It was her mess and I was told, that I shouldn't do all cleaning in her room, as I had once. Well I usually don't like to clean anything up. But I don't know what has come over me earlier today I complained to someone... that all the pillows on my bed had been knocked of , a sheet was strewn across the floor in my room and ,[witch is also my sisters room, we share a room, for now at least], and the rug beside my bed was all wadded up!!!
I decided to help clean up her room. There was a laundry basket was in the hall tipped over, I cleaned it up and brought it to Madeline's room. As if on queue I started picking up dirty clothes and putting them the basket.

10 minutes later

We had finished with the dirty clothes and my mom was there to me up. The messy terror wasn't cleaned up but it was dirty clothes free!!

You will see another post from me soon!!
Madeline if you read this please don't take any offense!!

*****Harper Hass

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Horse Camp!!! Dress up the Horses!

Well it was a lot of fun to see a horse dressed up as...

Pinata[Earnest] Made by the helpers or the camp staff...

Hippie-Angle[Ribbons] Riding this wonderful horse is Ainsley my sister and her friend Maddison...

Dalmatian Dog [Candyman] The girls who came up with this wonderful idea is Madeline my friend , Jenna and Jillian.

The parade of horses was amazing. How they came up with this idea is cool to.
Bonnie did a good job with her campers!! I loved the idea of dressing up a horse with scarves, black duck tape, colorful western blankets, construction paper, necklaces, ribbons, and bandanas.