Saturday, June 26, 2010

Congare's Waves

We were all buckled up in our life vest and had our flouts tightly clenched in our hands. We where walking down the path beside the congare river. Today we where going to go floating down the river.

We got in the water and felt our feet go numb.even under our sandles where it was strapped felt cold.When we got in our tubes, I was laying on my stomach and felt the shiver go over me. I kept bumping in to things. But it was fun. I was going the wright direction as my mom was Kicking freezing water in my face , as she was trying to catch my sister who was going in the wrong direction.

When we started going down the waves we got splashed!!!!!!!!

After a wile we started to go farther down the river. When we where flouting down the river i fell i and i shivered to death,it was colder than ever.

the end