Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Good Morning

Hi, happy morning.

   I don't wanna be @  school. I have to do a POTD! yay. :( not.
Oh we'll ill post again. Later.

Monday, October 22, 2012


I know I've posted today, but I had to say this...
I'm addicted 2 my email.
Haha. Well c u all tomorrow when I post again.

Blown Away and Mondays r NOT Great

K so I'm listening to like my favorite song ever.... Blown Away by: Carrie Underwood. Haha. Really good by the way listen to it. I mean seriously.

Ok, so, today was crazy. As everyday school was school. It was Monday though and I hate Mondays. My least favorite day of the week. It's my off day. I think it maybe everyone's. I went to all my classes and rode the bus (ugggghhh ):). Haha. I'm at Langford as I write this. Right now I'm wishing I where at home but I'm not going home for a while. Yay. Not.

Today was loooonnnggggg. I mean math was ok, Careeer was the same as always. We worked on projects. Social Studies was good. We worked on our projects. Science was good. A worksheet isn't my favorite thing to do but I'll tolerate it. Haha. In PE we had to play football. Well some didn't. We did cheer and gymnastics. Well I watched and only did a few things. Haha. I had to take a test in ELA not my favorite thing. But I took it and I think I did good. Yay. 

Hope tomorrows good. And great. Gtg draw something. Bye!!!


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday to the one and only Ainsley! Her new camera is sweet! I'll put in pictures later.
   Harper Hass

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hey Yall

I have some obsessions...

       I'm obsessed with...
  •   Lip Butter ( Its like lip gloss...  but its better for your lips!)
  •  Swimming ( Some times for fun sometimes to be competitive)
  •  The Olympics ( Sorry their COOL!)
  •  Fashion ( Lately Ive been scaring my self cause I'm wearing more skirts!:0) 
So now you know what I'm OBSESSED w/!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Student Led Confrences


Im glad that was my last year to do it!!
They kill me!! :(


Here is a list of MY BFFS

Morgan A.T.H.
Makenna M.
Meg C.
